I shared to both my personal and professional FB pages. I love, love, loved listening to this post, this story about friends in our lives. Lily, you are a poet. I had so many visualizations in my mind as your words took me right back to all the places and times and feelings of being with so many amazing people over the course of my many years. Thank you!

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Thank you so much, Deborah! I deeply appreciate this. Thrilled you were taken back to so many amazing friends and feelings and treasured memories. Thank you for sharing my writing on your personal and professional FB pages. That’s hugely supportive🙏

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Beautiful as always, and what my heart needed today.

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Thank you so much, Sher! That means the world to me!

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I really enjoyed reading your short stories about people who touched your life, Lily. I had three close friends in grade school, and then we moved across the country, and I never got to see them again. I missed them and cried for the next year. Thank you for sharing.

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Oh, and I love your cat's name, Toulouse! Priceless.

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Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! Greatly appreciate you for reading my stories and hearing how they resonated with you. Toulouse was a beloved pet - I still dream he is alive and well. Yes, how we miss those who have touched our lives🙏

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Looking forward to reading more of your essays as time/energy permits, Lily. Keep writing and sharing.

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That’s very kind. Thank you for the encouragement🙏

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Jul 30Liked by Lily Jedynak PhD

I'm amazed by the detailed memories. Also: I feel sorry for how children treated you. Thank you for your vulnerability. I very much enjoyed reading this post 🤗

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Thank you so much for your wonderful comment Robin! I love having your company on this journey. So glad you enjoyed reading this one❤️

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Jul 30Liked by Lily Jedynak PhD

"Before my eyes, the musical production improved. The process was magical, joyous, inspiring. I tapped my toes and nodded my head, knowing every word, every step, every milestone that had made the performance a triumph. I could have hugged the world." Love this!

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Thank you so much, Heather! So happy to be sharing this part of my life with you. Deeply appreciate your support and comments. L X

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Jul 29Liked by Lily Jedynak PhD

Oh, the highs and lows of friends, and the people in our lives along the way…

You paint them so vividly.

Your writings are so engaging and poetic, thank you for sharing your gifts with the world. 💝❤️

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Thank you so much, my darling. Truly appreciate sharing the journey with you, my best friend of all time! X

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Jul 30Liked by Lily Jedynak PhD


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